Join the Merrill Team!
Notice: The redesigned WECAN website has been released. You will need to set up a new account. Below you will find an account set-up help link. Please use this if you have any questions. All current vacancies will be listed in the new Website. A link can be found below.
![We can](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/25917/file/3745082/36b4194a-3dc4-4dcc-b3f5-5aba0f8d1170.jpeg)
View and apply online for vacancies at Wisconsin Education Career Access Network* (WECAN). Set up a free WECAN account today!
Wecan Applicant account set-up help
For a list of all current vacancies, please access the appropriate website below:
*Job description available at the Merrill Area Public Schools Central Administrative Office. For more information, contact Human Resources. MAPS is an EOE. The district does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability in school programs or activities.